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Flip Over Tops

Original price was: $1.00.Current price is: $0.50.

These spinning tops will magically turn upside-down when spun.

Use as:

  • Fine motor skill enhancer to improve writing skills (the same small muscles are used to spin a top as to write with a pen)
  • Reward
  • As a concentration break
SKU: ST-TOP-FLP03 Category:

These spinning tops will magically turn upside-down when spun. Use as:

  • Fine motor skill enhancer to improve writing skills (the same small muscles are used to spin a top as to write with a pen)
  • Reward
  • As a concentration break

How many can you spin at the same time?
Watch them flip over. How is that possible? It must be magic! (or science)
A variety of colours. 3 for a discount price.

Additional information


Blue, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Green, Red


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